Satisfying a Sweet Tooth
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Satisfying a Sweet Tooth

Ever since she was a young girl, my sister has been interested in agriculture. After graduating with a degree in agriculture education, she accepted a teaching position at a local high school. For the past three years, she has been amazing her students with her knowledge about subjects such as raising beef cattle, growing flowers, and canning fruit preserves. Since she has a sweet tooth, canning fruit preserves is one of my sister’s favorite pastimes. If she ever has the time, she may even launch her own home based business canning fruit preserves to sell to customers. If you’re considering canning jams, jellies, and other sweet goods to sell to customers, you will need to invest in some state-of-the-art industrial equipment. On this blog, you will discover the types of industrial equipment that are necessary to start a canning business.

Satisfying a Sweet Tooth

Should You Convert Your Rural Small Business's Outflow From Septic To Sewer?

Malou Leffers

If you own a small business storefront in a more rural part of town, you may still utilize a septic tank for the sewage and grey water your business produces, even if sewage lines have recently been extended to your area. However, the cost of having your septic tank regularly cleaned and treated may begin to add up, causing you to wonder whether paying to run underground pipes to your nearest public sewer line is a good investment. Read on to learn more about converting a business's outflow from a septic tank to a sewage system, as well as some options to consider if sewage treatment isn't yet widely available in your rural area.

What are some advantages to converting to a sewage system? 

After the initial hookup costs, sewage treatment is one of the least expensive and most eco-friendly ways to process the waste your business produces. Unlike a septic tank, which utilizes bacteria and enzymes to break down this waste while filtering the water through the concrete sides of the tank into the surrounding leach field, a sewage system routes all this waste to a sewage treatment facility where it can be more actively monitored and processed. This sewage is filtered, separated, and treated with a variety of enzymes and workhorse bacteria that break down this waste into harmless water.

Septic tanks can be vulnerable to early failure if your business flushes lots of chemicals down its drains, as these chemicals can interfere with the natural balance of bacteria and enzymes in the septic tank that allows it to break down waste. This waste buildup could require you to pump your tank much more frequently than average or even cause your septic tank to leak into your business's lawn or parking lot. 

What are your options if you can't yet afford to run lines to the nearest sewer line? 

If there is a public sewer line near the road or lane that leads to your business, you'll usually be required to pay only the cost of running a pipe from your business to the public line. However, if sewer treatment hasn't expanded to your area yet, the prospect of running hundreds of feet of sewer lines (often under others' property lines) to the nearest public pipe a few lanes away may be cost-prohibitive. 

Fortunately, you may be able to temporarily convert your septic tank to your own private sewage treatment plant through a tank conversion process. This turns your current septic tank into a holding tank, and then installs a trickling filter into a tank buried near your septic tank that can process the sewage into water that is piped into your nearest stream or drainage ditch. To learn more, speak with sewer experts like those at Drain Store,
