Satisfying a Sweet Tooth
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Satisfying a Sweet Tooth

Ever since she was a young girl, my sister has been interested in agriculture. After graduating with a degree in agriculture education, she accepted a teaching position at a local high school. For the past three years, she has been amazing her students with her knowledge about subjects such as raising beef cattle, growing flowers, and canning fruit preserves. Since she has a sweet tooth, canning fruit preserves is one of my sister’s favorite pastimes. If she ever has the time, she may even launch her own home based business canning fruit preserves to sell to customers. If you’re considering canning jams, jellies, and other sweet goods to sell to customers, you will need to invest in some state-of-the-art industrial equipment. On this blog, you will discover the types of industrial equipment that are necessary to start a canning business.

Satisfying a Sweet Tooth

Understanding Industrial Burners And How They Malfunction

Malou Leffers

Industrial burners of all kinds do all sorts of jobs. They also need services and repair work from time to time. It helps if you first know what these burners do, and then it helps to know how and why burners of this sort malfunction so that you can get the right burner service to fix the issue at hand. Here is all that you need to know about these devices, their malfunctions, and how to fix them. 

Burners That Heat as Well as Melt and Cook

People generally think of burners on a stove when the word is mentioned, but burners can do more than cook. In an industrial setting, they frequently heat, and what they heat is water, plastics, metal, gases to accelerate the intended effects of said gases, and yes, they even cook sometimes (e.g., breweries and homogenization of dairy milk are two examples). These burners have turn up the heat to a specified temperature in order to get the specific desired results of the things they are heating. 

Burners Operating Around-the-Clock

One of the biggest reasons that these kinds of burners malfunction is because they are operating around-the-clock. The only times they are not in operation is when they are turned off to move product out and away from the burners and tanks in which the products may be heated. Then the burners are started again to do another batch of product(s). Imagine if you had to work around the clock with limited breaks; you would probably burn out, too. That is exactly why these burners need as much burner service and attention as they do. 

How Burners Malfunction

Burners burn out. Their burn plates simply give up and refuse to heat. Electrical wiring frays or becomes disconnected somehow. Ignition switches go bad. Connections that should be made are cut off electrically, mechanically, or via trapped gas or oil lines and valves. All of these things contribute to an industrial burner's malfunctioning and eventual demise. 

How to Fix These Issues

Regular maintenance of your industrial burners is key. If you have in-house people who do the maintenance, make sure they are doing it as often as they should. If no one in the plant is able to maintain the burners, then you have to call a service company that specializes in this very thing. Replacing worn out parts right away also helps. 

For more information, contact an industrial burner service in your area.
